I see it in my students, who when they begin to engage their own daily practices experience life altering changes.
I believe daily creative practice lets you TAP YOUR TRUTH!

Are you skimming the surface of your life?
Do you engage with the strong, vibrant matter that is your own treasure?
Do you ever wonder what else you have in you?
✔ I keep a daily journal.
✔ I access my inner life and draw forth resources that give my work a gigantic dose of what makes me unique.
✔ The more I know myself and what makes sense to me, the richer my life becomes.
This is what I want for you.

Where does daily creative practice begin?
Some days I have time for all of this. Some days, I get to one item. It will only become regular if we are gentle and forgiving with ourselves. No guilt!

The job of the artist is to show up every day in the studio, pick up her tools, and see what happens. A successful artist will define a set of rules and conditions for her process. She will rely on instinct over intellect. The value of work lies in her ability to communicate her singular world view in a meaningful way. And to do this, she must take risks.
Proposals for Feminine Economy

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