$25.00 USD

100 Day Primer

With The 100 Day Primer, you decide when to begin your 100 day experiment in creative activity. No pressure. No pace to match, just your own creative journey!

Here is an example of one of the prompts in the Primer.

6. Create extra love everyday. Change it up or do the same thing for a week at a time. Pay for the person behind you in the line for coffee. Write a small love note and tuck it into the book you return at the library or on a shelf at the grocery store. Keep red lipstick in your pocket and leave a kiss mark on every bathroom mirror you peer into for 100 days. Create heaven on earth at your desk or your co-worker’s desk. Leave them a small flower, or a special rock you pick up on the beach. Create heaven on earth in your living space and for the people you live with. Make a small altar in your living space with a special photograph and a candle. Pause there and light it every day. …

Available for $25, the workbook is delivered in a printable PDF chock full of 16 juicy suggestions, checkered with links and ideas for how to pivot in times of frustration. I also include a list of recommendations for how to sustain your experiment for 100 days in the 100 Day Project.

What People Are Saying:

Okay, I did not expect to get inspired by a PDF, but you did it! I get so overwhelmed by ideas of what I could/should do for the 100 Day Project, but you helped me narrow down to three ideas. Now I have to pick between three things I’d love to do. Thanks for getting me started! I’ll post on Instagram!